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Cloverpop Blog

Cloverpop’s blog explores how the Decision Intelligence revolution is changing business leadership.

Maximum AI value will be unlocked when humans and AI work together, not by automating us out of the loop.

How Love, Forgiveness & Compassion Maximize AI Project Decision Value

Maximum AI value will be unlocked when humans and AI work together, not by automating people out of the loop. “There is far more opportunity in augmenting humans to do new tasks..

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Halloween is a perfect time to turn attention to the ghost and zombie decisions that haunt the halls of your company.

Two Tricks To Banish Ghost Decisions And Conquer The Zombies

Halloween is a perfect time to turn attention to the ghost and zombie decisions that haunt the halls of your company, spooking productivity and draining away employee engagement.

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Top companies are 2.5 times more likely to make successful innovation decisions.

Five Reasons Why Innovation Decisions Succeed 2.5X More Often At Top Companies

Innovation is critical for business success. One McKinsey survey found that 84% of executives agree that innovation is the key to growth, and their 2021 global survey found that..

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By modernizing decision-making processes, organizations can enhance efficiency and productivity, foster a culture of innovation and creativity, and ultimately drive organizational success.

5 Steps To Achieving Decision Flow At Your Company

Poor decision-making processes have a massive negative impact on employee engagement – it’s hard to be fulfilled by work if you are unempowered, left out of the loop and..

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Simple Sabotage Field Manual

A Spy’s Guide To Making Bad Decisions

In 1944, the federal government published a confidential manual called the Strategic Services Simple Sabotage Field Manual No. 3 as a practical guide to sabotage. Authored by the..

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Three Decision-Centric Questions To Clarify ChatGPT Hype And Guide Your AI Strategy

Three Decision-Centric Questions To Clarify ChatGPT Hype And Guide Your AI Strategy

Earlier this year, ChatGPT yanked artificial intelligence (AI) out of computer science abstraction and science fiction fantasy and into the pragmatic conversations of regular..

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Executive making a decision with stakeholders.

Great Storytellers Are Not Great Decision-Makers... But They Can Be

Almost every successful business leader is an expert storyteller. They use stories to motivate employees and investors to achieve shared goals.

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Forbes: How Amazon Uses Faster, Better Decisions To Keep Innovating Like A Startup

“Every day at Amazon is Day 1,” according to its founder Jeff Bezos. He has reminded employees of this for decades -- Amazon will never stop being a startup. He even went so far..

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decision intelligence

How Decision Intelligence is Revolutionizing Business Strategy

Decision intelligence has been a tech buzzword for several years. Still, it wasn't until 2022 that Gartner named it a Top Trend and put a clear definition in place. By doing so,..

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Decision IQ Study Finds Only 15 Percent Of Companies Are Decision Leaders – Here’s How The Rest Can Catch Up

Our recent Decision IQ research found that fewer that one in six companies have a powerful combination of consistently strong decision-making processes, excellent execution and..

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Cloverpop Decision IQ Benchmark Survey Maturity Levels Scatterplot

New Decision IQ Research Of 160 Companies Reveals Skills Separating Leaders From Stragglers

Conventional management wisdom emphasizes aligning company goals, properly resourcing projects, and executing tasks according to plan. The implicit assertion is that this..

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Kalindi Mehta of The Estée Lauder Companies presenting at the 2022 Consumer Goods Sales and Marketing Summit in New York City.

4 Lessons From Scaling Foresight-Driven Decisions At The Estée Lauder Companies

The word foresight has a mystical sound akin to fortune telling. Yet, the business reality of this growing discipline is much more practical, according to The Estée Lauder..

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