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Cloverpop Blog

Cloverpop’s blog explores how the Decision Intelligence revolution is changing business leadership.

Cloverpop can bring the RAPID, RACI, DARE, and PACE frameworks to life, simplifying and accelerating decision-making.

Simplify Decision-Making: How Cloverpop Brings RAPID, RACI, DARE, and PACE Frameworks To Life

Fortune 500 organizations make 10M+ decisions each year. These decisions range from very strategic, like which company to acquire or which brand to divest, to more operational,..

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Decision Back Podcast: Scaling Foresight With Kalindi Mehta Of Estée Lauder

The latest episode of the Decision Back Podcast introduces the visionary voice of Kalindi Mehta, Vice President of Foresight and Predictive Analytics at the Estée Lauder..

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Low quality, inconsistent, inefficient decisions.

Finding Decision-Driven Growth From Within

The topic of growth remains a top priority for every executive. In a recent Gartner CEO survey, 53% of executives stated “growth” as a top priority, a whopping 20% higher than the..

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Cloverpop blog post | Too busy for good decisions image

Too busy for good decisions?

Burning through labor, fighting fires Tell me if you’ve seen this advertisement before - a manager seamlessly switching between her tablet, mobile phone, laptop; pulling up data..

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